Care-in-the-Home — Personalised Health via advanced analytics

23 March 2022  by Vlepis Technology Team - Vlepis Wearable devices that enable continuous measurement of critical biomarkers for medical diagnostics, physiological health monitoring and evaluation will become invaluable as the elderly population grows.

23 March 2022 

by Vlepis Technology Team – Vlepis

Wearable devices that enable continuous measurement of critical biomarkers for medical diagnostics, physiological health monitoring and evaluation will become invaluable as the elderly population grows. 

As the Boomer generation ages, various chronic and acute diseases are becoming increasingly important, and the medical industry is changing dramatically due to the need for point-of-care (PoC) diagnosis and real-time monitoring of long-term health conditions.  

Recently, Vlepis have achieved solid development of nanotechnology centric electronics and bio-compatible conformal form factors, resulting in accurate sensing triage capabilities. The result is an improvement in the quality, and efficacy of these wellbeing capabilities. 

Use of Vlepis intelligent sensors allow for accurate passive monitoring and proactive management of patients, care for the elderly, vulnerable, and other at-risk cohorts, in their own homes, thus alleviating hospital and aged care resources.  

Main focal areas of application targets those with cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other related wellbeing risks that mostly impact these ageing cohorts. 

The data from key biosensors is uploaded securely to the cloud in an active manner, enabling decision support capabilities which, consequently, aim to reduce hospital presentations, alleviate pressures on bed capacity, and other health and wellbeing resources. We believe these advanced solution capabilities compliment Care-in-the-Home, or TeleHealth-based, triage.  

This ability to remotely sense and source contextual data on key metrics over a target period, significantly enhances the capacity to deliver improved primary and secondary care models which are under pressure due to elderly population growth globally. 

To learn more about the Vlepis BIoSensor range, please reach out by visiting our contact us page.